Complete identifier

HStAM, 270 Kassel, 2362

Civil trial record

Identification (trial record)

Title Title
Mosheim, Ludwig gegen Land Hessen, vertreten durch Regierungspräsidenten
Life span Life span
Charge / Offence Charge / Offence
Former identifier Former identifier
Acc. 1981/49

Provenance (justice)

Judicial file number Judicial file number
1 WiK. E 2123 (Ausland)
Other authority identifiers Other authority identifiers
Registernummer: 33008

Further information (trial record)

Facts of the case Facts of the case
Entschädigungsansprüche wegen Schaden im wirtschaftlichen Fortkommen


Name of person Name of person
Mosheim, Carl
Place of residence Place of residence
Mont Vernon, New York (USA)
Profession Profession
Biographical data Biographical data
Erbe des Nachlasses Ludwig Mosheim
Name of person Name of person
Winter, Ruth
Place of residence Place of residence
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (USA)
Biographical data Biographical data
Erbin geborene Mosheim des Nachlasses Ludwig Mosheim
Name of person Name of person
Mosheim, Leopold
Place of residence Place of residence
Colorado (USA)
Biographical data Biographical data
Erbe des Nachlasses Ludwig Mosheim
Name of person Name of person
Changeat, Henny
Place of residence Place of residence
New York (USA)
Biographical data Biographical data
Geborene Levy
Name of person Name of person
Levy, William
Place of residence Place of residence
New York (USA)
Name of person Name of person
Levy, Werner
Place of residence Place of residence
New York (USA)


Name of person Name of person
Land Hessen, vertreten durch Regierungspräsidenten
Seat of institution Seat of institution

Information / Notes

Additional information Additional information
vgl. HHStAW Bestand 518 Nr. 16058


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