Identifier search
Help for the input fields
For selecting an archives, enter the archives identifier in the field "Archives identifier". A list of the existing archives to select from will appear after entering a few characters.
For selecting a fonds, first enter the archives identifier in the field "Archives identifier", then the fonds identifier in the field "Fonds identifier". A list of the existing archives and fonds to select from will appear after entering a few characters. The entries for "Fonds identifier" are not limited to the offered values. Fonds identifiers can be truncated by using * at the end (searching for 12* will find "123" and "124").
For selecting an item identifier, first enter the archives identifier in the field "Archives identifier", then the fonds identifier in the field "Fonds identifier", and last the item identifier in the field "Item identifier". A list of the existing archives, fonds and item identifiers to select from will appear after entering a few characters.
The entries for "Fonds identifier" and "Item identifier" are not limited to the offered values. Fonds or item identifiers can be truncated by using * at the end (searching for 12* will find "123" and "124").
The entries for "Fonds identifier" and "Item identifier" are not limited to the offered values. Fonds or item identifiers can be truncated by using * at the end (searching for 12* will find "123" and "124").