
Complete identifier

HStAM, 274 Kassel, 1017/1-3

Criminal trial record

Identification (trial record)

Life span Life span
1942-1944, 1954-1958
Charge / Offence Charge / Offence
Former identifier Former identifier
Acc. 1983/86 Nr. 44

Provenance (justice)

Judicial file number Judicial file number
S 3a KLs 13/43 (Sa 3 Js 107/42 gestrichen)
(Previous) provenances (Previous) provenances
Oberstaatsanwalt Kassel

Further information (trial record)

Facts of the case Facts of the case
Der Angeklagte soll Beziehungen zu 'deutschblütigen Frauen' unterhalten haben
Lawsuit type Lawsuit type
Bd. 1: Ermittlungsakte bzw. Strafakte; Bd. 2: Handakte; Bd. 3: Vollstreckungsheft
Information on lawsuit Information on lawsuit
Todesurteil - in Frankfurt-Preungesheim vollstreckt


Name of person Name of person
Holländer, Werner
Date of birth Date of birth
Date of death Date of death
Profession Profession
Dipl. Ingenieur bei Henschel & Sohn


Also contains Also contains
ungarischer Pass
Schriftverkehr zum Entschädigungsverfahren


Type Name Access Information Action
Original Original Show details page
Nutzungsdigitalisat JPEG Digital media exists Show details page