
Identification (short)

Title Title
Stadtarchiv Allendorf (Lumda)

Postal address

Name of institution Name of institution
Stadtarchiv Allendorf (Lumda)
Street Street
Bahnhofstr. 14
Postal code Postal code
Place Place
Allendorf (Lumda)

Visiting address

Name of institution Name of institution
Stadtarchiv Allendorf (Lumda)
Place Place
Allendorf (Lumda)

Further information (archives)

Telephone Telephone
E-mail (post office) E-mail (post office)
Opening hours Opening hours
nach telef. Anmeldung
Responsible body Responsible body
Stadt Allendorf (Lumda)
Management Management
Karl-Heinz Phieler
Includes Includes
ca. 80 lfm Akten und Amtsbücher (ab 1731, älteste Stadtrechnung 1764).
Library Library
vorwiegend Amtsdrucksachen.