Complete identifier

HHStAW, 409/4, 8271

Prisoner record

Identification (case file)

Life span Life span


Organisation number and file reference Organisation number and file reference
Gefangenenbuch-Nr.: 1261/1934
(Previous) provenances (Previous) provenances
Gerichtsgefängnis Frankfurt am Main

Information on person (prisoner record)

Name of person Name of person
Wertheimer, Josef
Date of birth Date of birth
Place of birth Place of birth
Frankfurt am Main
Denomination Denomination
Nationality Nationality
Place of residence Place of residence
Frankfurt am Main
Profession Profession
Type of detention Type of detention
Charge / Offence Charge / Offence
Betrug; Diebstahl, fortgesetzter Betrug, Betrug, versuchter Betrug, schwere Urkundenfälschung (Gesamtstrafe); fortgesetzter Diebstahl; Waffenmißbrauch
Referring authority Referring authority
AG Frankfurt am Main; STA Frankfurt am Main
File reference of execution of sentence File reference of execution of sentence
75 D 4/1931; 5 J 1682/1929; 5 KL 29/1934; 4 L 49/1933; 5 D 130/1931
Judgement from Judgement from
1931-02-04; 1929-11-16; 1934-12-05; 1935-05-18; 1933-08-16; 1931-05-29


Includes u.a. Includes u.a.
Brief des Josef Wertheimer an Herrn Wolf, Firma Wilhelm W. Wolf in Frankfurt am Main, 1937 (Abschrift)
Brief des Josef Wertheimer an Gottlieb Sturm, Unterliederbach, 1934
Briefe des Josef Wertheimer an seine Verlobte Margarete (Gretel) Scheid, 1934
Briefe des Josef Wertheimer an seine Eltern, 1932, 1934, 1936
Brief des Josef Wertheimer an Lorenz Frank, 1935
Brief des Josef Wertheimer an Julchen, 1932, 1935
Brief des Josef Wertheimer an Dr. Martin Marx, Berlin, 1935
Brief des Josef Wertheimer an die Firma Mercedes - Büromaschinenwerke in Zella-Mehlis, 1937
Brief des Josef Wertheimer an Jakob Schäfer, 1932
Also contains Also contains
polizeiliche Fotografien des Josef Wertheimer, 1936
