Complete identifier

HStAD, R 4, 23792

Picture / Photograph

Identification (picture)

Title Title
Hessen (Volksstaat), 1925 November 12/13 / Besuch des Reichspräsidenten Paul v. Hindenburg (1847-1934) in Darmstadt, hier in seinem Wagen vor Hotel 'Zur Traube' stehend und grüßend
Dating Dating
Original dating Original dating
12./13. November 1925

Information on manufacturer

Author Author
Foto-Perabo, Darmstadt

Further information (picture)

Format Format
13 x 18 cm (Repro)
Design Design
s/w-Repro + Neg. (Original: s/w-Foto)
Number of sheets Number of sheets


Descriptors Descriptors
Hindenburg, Paul von
Foto-Perabo (Darmstadt)

Information / Notes

Additional information Additional information
Abb. in: 'Die Chronik Hessens', Dortmund 1991, S. 349


Type Name Access Information Action
Nutzungsdigitalisat TIF Show details page
Original Foto Show details page