Complete identifier

HStAD, R 4, 34276

Picture / Photograph

Identification (picture)

Title Title
Darmstadt, Elisabethenstift / Nähstunde im Elementarkurs der Schwestern, Gruppenaufnahme, Interieur
Dating Dating
Original dating Original dating
[ca. 1934]


(Previous) provenances (Previous) provenances
Nachlass Ploennies v.

Information on manufacturer

Printer / Publisher Printer / Publisher
Kettling und Krüger
Graphische Kunstanstalt Kettling & Krüger, Nr. 14155
Place of publication Place of publication
Schalksmühle (Westfalen)

Further information (picture)

Format Format
9 x 14 cm
Design Design
Kupfertiefdruck-Postkarte nach Foto + Neg.
Corresponding archival items Corresponding archival items
O 59 Ploennies Nr. 67


Type Name Access Information Action
Nutzungsdigitalisat TIF Show details page
Original Foto Show details page