
Complete identifier

ZGFA, NAT 2, 1.45.

Case file


Title Title
ZGF-Projekt 1070/88 – Serengeti National Conservation Strategy
Life span Life span
Former identifier Former identifier


Includes Includes
Korrespondenz ZGF HQ Dr. Faust, M. Borner, IUCN, S.+ S. Tham, Projektbudgets
Also includes Also includes
"A Brief Report of the Serengeti Regional Conservation Strategy since November 1990"
Reports and Minutes of the Steering Committee Serengeti Regional Conservation Strategy
Vacancy Announcement Chief Technical Advisor , Serengeti Regional Conservation Strategy, Phase III
Also contains Also contains
4 spiralgebundene Dokumente:
"Toward a Regional Conservation Strategy for the Serengeti", Report of a workshop held at Serengeti Wildlife Research Centre, Seronera, Tanzania 2-4 December 1985, Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, Tanzania
Draft zu o.g. Report compiled by IUCN Regional Office for Eastern Africa, Kenya Aug.1986
Project Proposal "Conservation and Management Programme for the Serengeti National Park within the Serengeti Ecosystem", presented to the European Economic Community, 20.03.1986
Project Proposal "Tanzania, Serengeti Regional Conservation Strategy: Phase II", presented to the NORAD Norvegian Agency for International Development, July 1987
"Project Cofinancing Proposal to the European Economic Communities, Feb. 1987
Project Proposal "Serengeti Regional Conservation Strategy (SRCS) Project Proposal to be funded by FZS, 1997

Information / Notes

Additional information Additional information
Tansania, Serengeti NP


There are no representations.