
Complete identifier

ZGFA, NAT 2, 1.17.

Case file


Title Title
ZGF-Projekt 1146/92 – Unterstützung der Wildlife Division in Tansania (Support for the post of a Monitoring Coordinator for the Wildlife) Division, Serengeti
Life span Life span
Former identifier Former identifier


Includes Includes
Korrespondenz Afrika-Direktor Borner mit HQ Frankfurt, HQ Frankfurt mit Wildlife Division, Ministry of Tourism and Natural Resources
Projektanträge, Projektberichte für diverse Geldverwendungen
Also includes Also includes
Übersicht über Projektzuwendungen in Tansania mit Kostenaufstellung
Bericht Training IUCN: "Report on my trip to the IUCN Regional Office, Nairobi" von Grace Galinoma
Kostenaufstellung für den Bau des Büros für den Direktor der Wildlife Division
Project Concept "Provision of funds for employment of personal secretary /executive assistant
Proposal for "Vaccination of Domestic Dogs around Selous Game Reserve" by Dr. Mafole
Also contains Also contains
Kopie eines Bauplans: Proposed Office for Director of Wildlife
Maßstab 1:50, 1:75, Febr. 1997 (Dar Es Salaam), ca. A2
4 Polaroid-Fotos, Brücke über Banagi-Fluss zusammen mit Dankbrief vom Chief Park Warden d. Serengeti National Park an Markus Borner

Information / Notes

Additional information Additional information
Tansania, Serengeti NP


There are no representations.