Complete identifier

ISG FFM, S8-1, 5295

Map / Plan

Identification (map / plan)

Title Title
Forsthaus-Straße N° 10 (später Hans-Thoma-Straße 10)
Dating Dating
ca. 1900
Former identifier Former identifier
H 88

Further information (map / plan)

Format Format
div. Formate
Scale Scale
Design Design
Formale Angaben: teilcolorierte Federzeichnung, Lichtpause
Number of sheets Number of sheets
2 Bll.


Includes Includes
1. Grdr EG, 2. Grdr. DG
Descriptors Descriptors
Sachbegriffe: Forsthausstraße 10; Hans-Thoma-Straße 10
Orte: Sachsenhausen


Type Name Access Information Action
Original Karte Show details page