Type Identifier   Denotation Life span Info Action

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Prisoner record HStAD, H 18 Rockenberg GP, 3330 Pabst, Hans 1940 - 1942 Detail page
Identifier: HStAD, H 18 Rockenberg GP, 3330
Description model: Prisoner record
Life span: 1940-1942
Name of person: Pabst, Hans
Date of birth: 1922-07-25
Place of birth: Fulda
Biographical data: entlassen 1942
Charge / Offence: Verbrechen g.d.VO v. 5.9.39
Also contains: Lichtbild

Detail page
Prisoner record HStAD, H 18 Rockenberg GP, 3333 Pallen, Pierre 1942 - 1944 Detail page
Identifier: HStAD, H 18 Rockenberg GP, 3333
Description model: Prisoner record
Life span: 1942-1944
Name of person: Pallen, Pierre
Date of birth: 1918-05-14
Place of birth: St. Nikolas
Biographical data: entlassen
Charge / Offence: Sprengstoffverbrechen

Detail page
Prisoner record HStAD, H 18 Rockenberg GP, 3340 Parment, Josef 1943 - 1943 Detail page
Identifier: HStAD, H 18 Rockenberg GP, 3340
Description model: Prisoner record
Life span: 1943
Name of person: Parment, Josef
Date of birth: 1906-04-21
Place of birth: Lebier
Biographical data: entlassen
Charge / Offence: unbef. Waffenbesitz
Also contains: Lichtbild

Detail page
Prisoner record HStAD, H 18 Rockenberg GP, 3341 Parsy, Rene 1942 - 1942 Detail page
Identifier: HStAD, H 18 Rockenberg GP, 3341
Description model: Prisoner record
Life span: 1942
Name of person: Parsy, Rene
Date of birth: 1923-12-29
Place of birth: Courneuve/Seine
Biographical data: entlassen 1942
Charge / Offence: Diebstahl pp

Detail page
Prisoner record HStAD, H 18 Rockenberg GP, 3342 Parusel, Josef 1940 - 1941 Detail page
Identifier: HStAD, H 18 Rockenberg GP, 3342
Description model: Prisoner record
Life span: 1940-1941
Name of person: Parusel, Josef
Date of birth: 1921-03-11
Place of birth: Schüslau
Biographical data: entlassen 1941
Charge / Offence: schwerer Diebstahl
Also contains: Lichtbild

Detail page
Prisoner record HStAD, H 18 Rockenberg GP, 3344 Pauker, Johannes 1941 - 1943 Detail page
Identifier: HStAD, H 18 Rockenberg GP, 3344
Description model: Prisoner record
Life span: 1941-1943
Name of person: Pauker, Johannes
Date of birth: 1922-07-07
Place of birth: Großenteich
Biographical data: entlassen 1941
Charge / Offence: Arbeitsvertragsbruch

Detail page
Prisoner record HStAD, H 18 Rockenberg GP, 3348 Paul, Wilhelm 1941 - 1943 Detail page
Identifier: HStAD, H 18 Rockenberg GP, 3348
Description model: Prisoner record
Life span: 1941-1943
Name of person: Paul, Wilhelm
Date of birth: 1922-01-07
Place of birth: Lampertheim
Biographical data: entlassen 1941
Charge / Offence: schwerer Diebstahl

Detail page
Prisoner record HStAD, H 18 Rockenberg GP, 3349 Paulus, Richard 1939 - 1939 Detail page
Identifier: HStAD, H 18 Rockenberg GP, 3349
Description model: Prisoner record
Life span: 1939
Name of person: Paulus, Richard
Date of birth: 1919-12-25
Place of birth: Erlangen
Biographical data: entlassen 1939
Charge / Offence: gem.Körperverletzung
Also contains: Lichtbild

Detail page
Prisoner record HStAD, H 18 Rockenberg GP, 3350 Paulus, Willi 1940 - 1941 Detail page
Identifier: HStAD, H 18 Rockenberg GP, 3350
Description model: Prisoner record
Life span: 1940-1941
Name of person: Paulus, Willi
Date of birth: 1923-02-04
Place of birth: Recklinghausen
Biographical data: entlassen 1941
Charge / Offence: Diebstahl
Also contains: Lichtbild

Detail page
Prisoner record HStAD, H 18 Rockenberg GP, 3351 Pauly, Heinrich 1940 - 1940 Detail page
Identifier: HStAD, H 18 Rockenberg GP, 3351
Description model: Prisoner record
Life span: 1940
Name of person: Pauly, Heinrich
Date of birth: 1920-03-24
Place of birth: Marienborn
Biographical data: entlassen 1940
Charge / Offence: fahrl. Falscheid
Also contains: Lichtbild

Detail page
Prisoner record HStAD, H 18 Rockenberg GP, 3357 Peeraer, Etiene 1942 - 1942 Detail page
Identifier: HStAD, H 18 Rockenberg GP, 3357
Description model: Prisoner record
Life span: 1942
Name of person: Peeraer, Etiene
Date of birth: 1921-05-02
Place of birth: Lier
Biographical data: entlassen 1942
Charge / Offence: Diebstahl

Detail page
Prisoner record HStAD, H 18 Rockenberg GP, 3358 Peeters, Johannes 1943 - 1945 Detail page
Identifier: HStAD, H 18 Rockenberg GP, 3358
Description model: Prisoner record
Life span: 1943-1945
Name of person: Peeters, Johannes
Date of birth: 1914-09-30
Place of birth: Blerick
Biographical data: entlassen 1945
Charge / Offence: verbotener Waffenbesitz

Detail page
Prisoner record HStAD, H 18 Rockenberg GP, 3359 Pegoretti, Willi 1940 - 1943 Detail page
Identifier: HStAD, H 18 Rockenberg GP, 3359
Description model: Prisoner record
Life span: 1940-1943
Name of person: Pegoretti, Willi
Date of birth: 1922-11-12
Place of birth: Frankfurt am Main
Biographical data: entlassen 1941
Charge / Offence: Fahrrad-Diebstahl

Detail page
Prisoner record HStAD, H 18 Rockenberg GP, 3371 Peter, Gerhard 1941 - 1942 Detail page
Identifier: HStAD, H 18 Rockenberg GP, 3371
Description model: Prisoner record
Life span: 1941-1942
Name of person: Peter, Gerhard
Date of birth: 1922-01-12
Place of birth: Großheringen
Biographical data: entlassen 1942
Charge / Offence: Einbruch-Diebstahl

Detail page
Prisoner record HStAD, H 18 Rockenberg GP, 3376 Peters, Albert 1939 - 1939 Detail page
Identifier: HStAD, H 18 Rockenberg GP, 3376
Description model: Prisoner record
Life span: 1939
Name of person: Peters, Albert
Date of birth: 1920-03-09
Place of birth: Riostedt
Biographical data: entlassen 1939
Charge / Offence: Brandstiftung
Also contains: Lichtbilder

Detail page
Prisoner record HStAD, H 18 Rockenberg GP, 3378 Petersen, Wilhelm 1939 - 1941 Detail page
Identifier: HStAD, H 18 Rockenberg GP, 3378
Description model: Prisoner record
Life span: 1939-1941
Name of person: Petersen, Wilhelm
Date of birth: 1919-11-04
Place of birth: Schleswig
Biographical data: entlassen 1940
Charge / Offence: Notzucht
Also contains: Lichtbild

Detail page
Prisoner record HStAD, H 18 Rockenberg GP, 3380 Petri, Heinz 1941 - 1942 Detail page
Identifier: HStAD, H 18 Rockenberg GP, 3380
Description model: Prisoner record
Life span: 1941-1942
Name of person: Petri, Heinz
Date of birth: 1923-11-06
Place of birth: Weimar
Biographical data: entlassen 1941
Charge / Offence: Diebstahl

Detail page
Prisoner record HStAD, H 18 Rockenberg GP, 3381 Petrucha, Karl 1945 - 1945 Detail page
Identifier: HStAD, H 18 Rockenberg GP, 3381
Description model: Prisoner record
Life span: 1945
Name of person: Petrucha, Karl
Date of birth: 1905-06-03
Place of birth: Loosdorf
Biographical data: entlassen 1945
Charge / Offence: vers. Mord; unerlaubtes Führen einer Waffe

Detail page
Prisoner record HStAD, H 18 Rockenberg GP, 3384 Petry, Nikolaus 1940 - 1941 Detail page
Identifier: HStAD, H 18 Rockenberg GP, 3384
Description model: Prisoner record
Life span: 1940-1941
Name of person: Petry, Nikolaus
Date of birth: 1921-05-05
Place of birth: Frankenthal
Biographical data: entlassen 1940
Charge / Offence: Arbeitsverweigerung

Detail page
Prisoner record HStAD, H 18 Rockenberg GP, 3392 Pfau, Walter 1940 - 1940 Detail page
Identifier: HStAD, H 18 Rockenberg GP, 3392
Description model: Prisoner record
Life span: 1940
Name of person: Pfau, Walter
Date of birth: 1911-11-08
Place of birth: Feuerbach-Stuttgart
Biographical data: entlassen 1940
Charge / Offence: Diebstahl i. R.
Also contains: Lichtbild

Detail page